Anxiety Therapy
Worrying is a natural reaction to stressors, and can even be a pathway to effective problem-solving. Distinguishing between constructive worrying versus overwhelming anxiety is essential for health and wellness.
Constructive worrying involves dealing with a problem and finding resolution, at which point the worry typically dissipates. Anxiety involves worrying about many possible (and often unlikely) problems, the fear of the unknown, catastrophizing, and anticipating worst-case outcomes. Unlike constructive worrying, anxiety lingers and can impact wellness.
Symptoms of anxiety may include: feeling on edge; difficulty relaxing or concentrating; fatigue; irritability; persistent concerns; a reduced tolerance for stress; difficulty with sleep; ruminating or agonizing; rapid heartbeat, tight muscles, jaw clenching, or muscle aches; panic attacks; trembling, sweating, difficulty breathing; inexplicable stomach discomfort; a sense of impending doom; avoidance; distancing from situations or places to the point of withdrawal.
There are options that can help relieve symptoms that you or a loved one may be experiencing. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), EMDR, Exposure Response Therapy, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MSBR) and Systematic Desensitization are all evidence-based and highly effective treatments for anxiety. Managing or working through anxiety means prioritizing wellness and healing with a solid and consistent plan that fosters progress, resilience, and newfound strengths.
Therapy for anxiety focuses on helping you identify and understand the thoughts and triggers that cause worry or fear. In a safe and supportive space you’ll learn strategies that calm the mind, manage physical symptoms, and regain control in stressful situations.
discuss your circumstances, ask questions about the process and our services, be matched with a therapist
review consent forms, fees, insurance eligibility, out-of-network reimbursements, schedule first session
attend sessions, share concerns and goals, receive guidance and support, work through challenges
our process